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Learning Cantonese

Hong Kong’s two official languages are English and Cantonese. As Cantonese is used in Hong Kong everyday life by the vast majority of the population, learning to speak Cantonese is would allow you to get around Hong Kong easily. In this section, you will be able to find some useful tips for learning cantonese. In othe subpages of this section, we produced a series of Cantonese Learning Classroom with English scripts included. 


Introduction to Cantonese

Cantonese is regarded as one of the most difficult dialect to learn from the perspective of a foreigner. It has seven tones, making it a very complex system to describe. For the sake of simplicity no tones are marked in the Romanized pronunciations below.

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Social Meeting People


Hello, how are you?

nei ho ma? 你好嗎?


Fine, thank you.

gei ho, duo jie. 幾好,多謝。


Good Morning.

Jo san 早晨



Baai baai 拜拜


Thank you very much

Do je saai/m goi sai 多謝曬


Thanks (for a gift or special favour)

Do je 多謝


Thanks (making a request or purchase)

Um goi 唔該


You’re welcome

Um sai haak hei 唔使客氣


Excuse me. (after bumping into someone)

Dui um jue 對唔住


Excuse me(call for attention)

Um goi 唔該


What’s your suername?

Cheng man guai sing? 請問貴姓


My name is….

Ngo giu 我叫


Do you speak English?

Nei sik um sik gong ying man a? 你識唔識講英文啊?


Do you understand?

Nei ming um ming a 你明唔明?


I understand

Ngo ming我明


I don’t understand

Ngo um ming 我唔明


Can you repeat that please?

Cheng joi gong yat chi? 請再講一次

Going out

What’s on…?

Yau di mat ye a….? 有啲乜野呀



Ni do ge 呢道嘅


This weekend

Nigo jau mut 呢個週末



Gam yat 今日



Gam mann 今晚


Where are the best….?

Bin do hei jui ho ge…? 邊度係最好嘅?



Chaan teng 餐廳


I would like to go to…

Ngo seung hui……我想去


Does this bus goes to….?

Hui m hui … a? 去唔去…. 啊?


I want to get off…

Ngo seung lok ch…. 我想落車


How much is it….?

Yiu gei do chin…. A? 要幾多錢啊?


Question Words


Bin go a? 邊個呀?



Mat yet a? 乜野呀



Gei si a? 幾時啊?



Bin do a? 邊度啊?



Dim yeung a? 點樣呀?



I want to buy

Ngo seung maai…. 我想買


How much is this?

Ni go gei do chin a? 呢個幾多錢啊?


I’m just looking

Ngo sin tai yat tai 我先睇一睇


More do di 多啲


Less siu di 少啲



0  ling

1   yat

2   yi

3  saam

4  sei

5  ng

6  luk

7  chat

8  baat

9   gau

10  sap

11  sap yat

12   sap yi

20   yi sap

21   yi sap yat

100   yat baak

101   yat baak ling yat

110   yat baak yat sap

200   yi baak

1000    yat chin

10000  yat mann

100000 sap mann



Day of the week


Sing kei yat 星期一



Sing kei yi星期二



Sing kei saam星期三



Sing kei sei星期四



Sing kei ng星期五



Sing kei luk星期六



Sing kei yat星期日



We hope that you won't be able to use these phrases in Hong Kong, just in case as a measure of contingency we provide these phrases for you.



Gau meng a! 救命啊


Could you please help me?

Ho m ho yi cheng nei bong sau a? 可唔可以請你幫手啊?


Call the police!

Giu ging chaat! 叫警察!


Call an ambulance!

Giu gau wu che! 叫救護車!


Call a doctor!

Giu yi sang! 叫醫生!


Where’s the police station?

Ging chue hai bin do a? 警署係邊度啊?

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